Monday, 4 April 2011

The very lovely  and extremely kind Andrea at Apples and Pears has given me an award. Wow, totally wasn't expecting that! The Liebster Blog Award is designed to be awarded to blogs with fewer than 300 followers therefore promoting their blog to a wider audience. As such, I would like to pass on this award to the following blogs, each of which I enjoy reading immensely.

Chasing Rabbits Down Holes
Harmony and Rosie

It really was a lovely surprise to receive this after an extremely enjoyable day trip to London on Saturday with my Mum, sister and my eldest daughter (don't worry, youngest daughter had a fab day with Daddy - bowling, McDonalds for lunch, movie afternoon and pizza for tea! What more could a 7 year old ask for?). We were wedding dress shopping for my sister - I cannot really say any more on the matter as the Groom to be reads this blog, although I think it was a successful day. We had a champagne afternoon tea (yum!) before popping into Selfridges and Harrods for a mooch. Back home on the train feeling very sleepy, arriving home in time to eat leftover cold pizza with a glass of wine.

Hope you all had great weekends. Will post tomorrow about Mother's Day. x


  1. Thankyou Julia
    It's a nice idea, I think there are a few awards like this bouncing about.
    It's becoming harder and harder to get noticed these days, with so many bloggers around.

    I really appreciate the gesture thanks :o)

  2. Congrats on your award Julia and thank you so much for passing it on to me, I'm really chuffed. But I'm afraid I've had it already so I hope you won't mind if I don't send it on.

    Pleased to hear the sleepover went well, whenever my 7 yr old has had a friend to stay I've had to practically beg them to go to sleep as they always keep me up! Oh yes, and how we love the shrinkies - great fun!

    Kate x

  3. Congratulations on winning the award! It's a good idea to try to promote the smaller blogs.

    Thank you so much for thinking of me!

  4. You're welcome ladies. I really enjoy reading your blogs.
