Here is a photo of the decking tiles - we have decided to tile all the way down the path to the back garden so when they arrived, we couldn't resist laying just a few, which took all of 30 seconds to do. I am very pleased with them. It won't be long before this side of the house is looking neat and tidy.
Unfortunately, this is one half of the back garden (the veg patch) below. Some of the weeds are taller than me and I'm 5'9". Still haven't got round to clearing this but it seems to be dying down as the summer draws to a close.
I thought I would show you a couple of recent charity shop finds - both from the charity shop which is a minute's walk from our house. I was meaning to buy an origami style lampshade for my daughter's bedroom - I love the Habitat ones but they were slightly out of my price range. Imagine my surprise when I found one for the teeny tiny price of £1.50. I snapped it up and it was hung the same day - my daughter was really pleased with it. I won't show you a photo of the rest of her bedroom as it is a mess!
Hello, my name is Julia, your name is Julia. I've just started a blog and you have just started a blog. I too like to crochet and read and sew, amongst other things. I just want to say good luck with your blog!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I have just commented on your blog. Will follow with interest.